Monday, September 10, 2012

2 Weeks!

We officially have two more weeks from right now (our appt is at 1:45) until we find out if we are having a little boy or little girl.  Last night while laying in bed watching football, I decided to take a gender test..
..It's a ?????! BOY! Or so, they say - whoever they is.....  Zack swears I didn't answer the questions correctly - for some reason he is really pulling for a girl.  Honestly, I think he is worried sick if we have another boy I'm going to push for a third.  He probably has legitimate reasons to be concerned! :)

I feel baby flurries quite often now - which makes it more real every time I feel a movement.  I love this part of being pregnant.  One of my most favorite parts of the day is right when Kutler gets out of bed...he has his blanket and buddy in tow.  We go to the kitchen get my ice water and him a cold cup of milk and rock.  Right now he loves to drink his milk and watch Sesame Street while I read yahoo news or catch up on facebook.  We usually sit through one episode of SS - I don't know how many times he reaches over and pats my's like he is almost saying little brother/sister are you listening to this?! Isn't this show great?! I hope it's a sneak peak into our future of them loving to watch cartoons together....more importantly just be together.

Kutler is just growing like crazy - here are a couple of pictures from this weekend.  We had to go grocery shopping.  This is usually hit or miss how we do - since I ran a ton of other errands before going to the grocery store, we didn't make it, but I did have to stop at CVS and get a few mandatory items.  If every store we went to had a cart like this, shopping trips would never be an issue.

He was so funny - he would pretend to turn and even make the car noises......vroom vroom!! I think we honked the horn at every single person we saw - and of course they just talked and talked to him so he hammed it up even more! But, when he is done talking to you (whether you are finished or not) he will wave and say bye bye! Pretty hilarious!

So, since we were good he got a reward! I can't remember exactly when he started drinking through a straw...a while back....I was definitely still working. Anyways, he loved to take a drink out of my sonic cup - now Pak a Sack cup.  We love Pak-a-Sack!!  Anyways, now we usually race to see who gets to drink the most tea - I swear the child could drink 44 ounces if I would let him and then proceed to eat all the ice.  So anyways, all this background to say - he finally got his own cup!! And did he ever think he was a big boy!! At one point I look back at him and he has the lid popped off and is eating the ice - just as happy as can be! (and a little tired)

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Little man is down for a nap, so you know what that means - It's time for this exhausted Mamma to go rest too!!

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