Monday, April 23, 2012

Feels Like Summer!

I am so far behind on my post! I still need to post pictures from Kutler's first birthday!  But, I couldn't resist posting pictures from this weekend first.  We had a wonderful weekend - we played outside and worked in the yard.  I guess I should say Zack did most of the work while Kutler and I played.

Saturday was a beautiful day! Kutler didn't know what to think of his pool - he would stick his hands in it and then go get in his sandbox and then go play in the water etc. - I'm not sure how many times he did that, but he had a blast!
 We also went on our first bike ride.  We had a wonderful time - however, half way through our ride he decided he did not like his helmet. (by the way, how cute does he look in his helmet!?) :) He started screaming and fussing so I stopped the bike and turned around and he is pulling down on the chin strap which was only pulling his helmet down harder on his head.  Needless to say, we turned around and went home.

 I adore this little guy!!

 Kutler is a very brave and determined little boy! He will try to climb anything! And usually will not stop until he gets what he is working towards or crashes! This weekend he got his first black eye! I know, 1 year old and 21 days and he has a black eye! And of all things he was playing in the front yard - in the grass with his wagon.  I'm still not sure how this happened, but he took it like a trooper! Scared me to death - but he is fine.
He was so brave while we cleaned  him up and put some medicine on his first real "owie" - In this picture it hasn't turned black yet, but yesterday morning he had a perfect little black ring under his eye - I love the looks other parents give me when we are out in public.  I mean seriously haven't you seen a one year old with a black eye!?!? :) 
As always he keeps our lives entertaining and full of surprises! I wouldn't trade one second of this crazy life for anything in the world! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful day ~ count your blessings! 

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