Thursday, November 8, 2012

Holy Smokes!! KW is 19 Months!

Time just keeps going by faster and faster! November 1st we celebrated {on the beach} Kutler Wayne's 19 month birthday! The entire day was spent on the beach playing in the water and sand - we ended the evening  with an amazing fried shirmp dinner! Kutler's response was he is holding a piece of fried shrimp that is almost as big as him he takes a huge bite - his eyes got wide and with his killer grin he said mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm.   I couldn't agree more! :)

 Kutler has been trying to tell me for awhile now that he is ready to potty train - the other day I had literally just changed his diaper and put his clothes on for the day.  Like 5 min later I catch him trying to take his clothes off {keeping his clothes on, mainly his diaper, is a daily challenge}  so I just sit back and watch.  Off come the shorts and off come the diaper and then he proceeds to tell his diaper "no no"! I checked and sure enough his diaper was wet - so.....later that day we bought a Mickey Mouse potty chair.   He loves it!

He held his potty all the way home - last ;night I let him play with it and explore the potty chair! This morning he went to the potty like a champ.  Granted we really only worked on this morning for a couple of hours - but every time we went to the potty he performed well.  He was so excited to flush and tell it "bye bye" and he never let me forget to give him his 2 m&m's and sticker! 

I could brag on him forever - but nap time has come to an end! Hope everyone has a wonderful evening! 

{I'm not sure why my pictures are sideways today - hope you all still enjoy!}