Tuesday, February 28, 2012

10 Months!

Well it's hard to believe that my baby is almost 11 months old! This month has been so much fun! Being able to spend more time with Kutler and truly give my attention to my boys has been a huge blessing!

As always, Kutler is changing like crazy and discovering new things everyday.  Here are just a few from this past month.

We love bath time in our house. As soon as I turn the water on Kutler makes a bee line into the bathroom - trying to take his shirt off for me and climb into the tub.  He doesn't bathe, he swims!! He isn't afraid to put his face in the water, he actually likes it! I think this summer I could have a little fish at the swimming pool!

 I guess I should have been prepared that Kman was going to be a big boy - when he arrived he weighted 9.5 - that still didn't prepare me that at 10 months old we would be wearing 18 month size pj's! And I can honestly say he is a healthy eater - has only had a couple of french fries EVER!! He prefers meat and veggies! I can't complain, some of his favorite food are turkey, green beans, peas, celery, hummus, avocado....hahah! Oh my goodness, I just missed the perfect picture! As I'm typing away bragging about what a wonderful little eater Kutler is, I look down and he has found some left over Halloween candy and is mowing down on some peanut M&M's.  :) The one thing I've learned in the past 10 months children will always make you eat your own words!
Okay, well I will finish this post tomorrow - Kutler is now trying to climb up the cabinets and has pulled out the pots and pans - thank goodness my husband should be home around 7! As for now, I'm off to cook dinner and play with my little monkey!

Today has been another blessing! Thankful again God has granted me to be Kutler's Mommy and Zack's wife!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Well it has been awhile since my last post.  As always, a lot has changed! Kutler is growing like crazy and discovering something new everyday! He has officially started climbing onto/into everything! He has always loved to "help" me do the dishes.  Trying to be a patient mom I grab the silverware out first so he can "help" me unload the remaining dishes.  I seriously turned my back for less than 2 seconds and this is what I found -

He was so proud and honestly I couldn't grab my phone quick enough! He keeps me on my toes and laughing constantly! He also tried climbing up the bathroom cabinets this morning - not sure I'm ready for that.  He pulled out the bottom drawer and was trying to step inside when I noticed.  Hopefully he won't figure that one out for awhile.

Today is my first day as a full time stay at home wife/mom.  Every time he looks up at me with those bright blue eyes, or looks at me and says Mama, or giggles, or discovers something new and looks at me so proud - I know we made the right decision.

I'm so thankful my husbands supports this decision and has encouraged me to stay at home for a little while. I'm truly blessed to have such a hard working, supportive husband.